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Custom dressmaker in Hong Kong
Posted by fotoladyvb
4/15/2012  8:24:00 AM
Has anyone used Mainshop 2008 ? They are a custom dressmaker in Hong Kong with very service oriented staff? Thanks. Susan
Re: Custom dressmaker in Hong Kong
Posted by ballroomchick
4/17/2012  1:15:00 PM
Susan I tried once to get a dress made from them. However I wanted to take off some of the applique decor that seemed over the top and the floats. I don't have soft ware on my computer to edit photos so the language barrier got me frustrated and I quite.

I've ordered from Star Dance Shop and was happy with the Latin dress I got. It was easy to add a 2nd sleeve to the dress and I had the dress come unstoned so I could do my own stone work.

I've just ordered a smooth gown from Rainbow Shiu. It took a bit because I liked parts of 3 dresses and again the language barrier, but this time it was a bit easier to convey what I wanted. This company is limited to the colors and size of Swarvoski stones they use, so my dress is coming unstoned. I really enjoy doing this work.

A friend ordered a Latin dress from them last year. It needed to be altered a bit for her once it came. She too opted to stone the dress herself.

I would suggest having a good tailor who can do any alterations you might need. I would NOT want to send my dress BACK to china for them to fix, but that's me. If your artistic, stone the dress yourself. The Rhinestone Guy has been pretty good with his prices and shipping my orders on time.

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